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Assembly and Testing

Assembly and Testing


The assembly and testing of self-designed PCBs requires some extra equipment. Much of this has already been thought out on the Rapid Prototyping Elektronik page and in particular on the associated spreadsheet/list. I would like repeat some of the recommended items here. Another good reference for this is the Soldering Workshop presented by Binary Kitchen, Regensburg.

The kit for each attendee

  • Lötstation
  • Löt
  • Schutzbrille
  • Lötrauchabsaugung
  • Metallschwamm
  • Seitenschneider
  • Pinzetten
  • Drittehand
  • Entlötpumpe und Entlötlitze
  • ESD matte
  • Lampe.

Advanced Gear

  • Heißluftlötstation
  • Reflow-ofen

Some of this equipment is already in ZAM. However, there is not enough to run any type of soldering workshop and the safety equipment is as yet not available - solder fumes extractor and safety glasses.

We could build our own Solder fume extractor. Binary kitchen have theirs as a kit. There are plenty of other examples on the Thingiverse. In my case, I created one from a PC cooling fan, an off-the-shelf case, a 12 V LED lamp and a flexible hose from a fire-lighter. I imagine we could come up with something in the middle.
